
Shun Shady Offers: 5 Reasons Why Homeowners Should Stay Away from Storm Chasers

Thomas Pulcini

Having your homes wrecked badly by hurricanes is punishing enough, but taking sweet talks from ‘storm chasers’ emerging suddenly out of nowhere and offering quick fix may just lead to another form of disaster.

Storm chasers are out of town contractors who usually roll into town following a hurricane or similar natural calamity, offering immediate relief from pitiful situation by having damaged houses repaired--the fastest and cheapest way possible.

Distressed hurricane victims who are usually helpless in trying to put their roofs back over their heads while securing food on their tables during these times of calamities, easily succumb to accepting offers from those who present quick fix.

Before biting the bait, however, homeowners need to know some essential information about getting help with home rebuilding and repairs in order to avoid the pitfalls of shady deals that may just end up with your homes getting knocked down again not by hurricane, but by sloppy and substandard work.

Here are five (5) reasons why homeowners must avoid tapping storm chasers for crucial home jobs:

1.      They are fly by night contractors and usually less reliable or unreliable at all compared to local contractors. Since they’re from somewhere else than your town, no one can vouch for their proven ability to do the job on time and per specification.


2.      With no proven credentials to ascertain their expertise, they oftentimes perform under par with shoddy repair work that may just cost homeowners more than what it would take to build a new house.  


3.      Since they’re just in for the money, they’re more concerned about finishing the work fast and getting as many contracts as possible, thereby leaving quality output in question.


4.      Unlike local contractors whose reputation and credibility are known and fairly established, many out of town contractors are either misrepresenting themselves or not licensed and not bonded.


5.      As part of a larger scam, these contractors are able to corner juicy deals since they’re more of less operate in cahoots with insurance adjusters whose overestimates yield them kickbacks.

Homeowners need go through another round beating after being torn apart by hurricanes and natural disasters by avoiding the imminent dangers of man-mad calamities wrought by storm chasers.

For hurricane insurance claims that were denied or valued less than what you ought to receive, seek professional help from real experts. ###

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